There is nothing more beautiful than a dog and handler heeling together in perfect symmetry.
Our Power & Precision Heeling course teaches:
- Control
- Physicality
- Symmetry and Sync
- Precision Heeling both in stationary placement and movement
- Focus on you! Distractions will be introduced and your dog will sail by them without skipping a step.
- On Leash and Off Leash
- Auto-sit (if you want)
- Adding in Lvl 2: Down in Motion, Sit in Motion, Wait (Stand in Motion)
- “In Motion” means that you and your dog are moving together fluidly, you Cue DOWN while you continue moving and the dog drops into the position while you continue moving.
- Adding in Level 2: Tight pivot turns & Side Passes
- Adding in Level 2: Removing props, lures and body language
- Adding in Level 2: Increasing Drive & Motivation
- Adding in Level 2: Increasing the distance you and your dog can Heel together
No Reactive Dogs, dogs must be able to work around other dogs and people without targeted barking or lunging.
Class Format:
- Some lessons will include all dogs working simultaneously.
- Some lessons will include 1 dog working at a time while other wait their turn inside the building.
- Some lessons will include 1 dog inside the building while dogs wait their turn in the car (humans observe the lesson indoors).
Who should come:
- If you are working toward an Obedience Title in any sport (know your rules).
- Participants in dog sports who want to present well when walking onto the course or work/trial arena.
- If you want perfection and control under distraction.
- You think it’s beautiful and want to learn more.
- You and your dog already heel and you want to improve or practice.
- You completed Power & Precise Heeling Level 1 and want to continue
Minimum requirements before taking this class:
- Completion of our (or other with same training philosophy) Heeling Class, this is not a beginner class.
- Reliable Name Response
- Reliable Recall
- Marker (Yes or Clicker)
- Sit on cue without a lure
Things to bring:
- An obscene amount of yummy treats
- A sense of Humor
- Way to hold treats and toy On Your Person that is not a manufacturers bag, ziploc bag, etc. Bait pouch, Vest, Belt, Skirt, etc is required.
- 2 of your dogs favorite toys that is on a strap, tug toy, or the like. No ball tossing.