Our Confidence Building courses are packed full of innovative, easy-to-implement techniques to help your dog overcome their issues with fear and anxiety. Don’t miss out!
Is your dog Afraid? Fearful? Lacks Confidence?
Most pet behaviorists agree that training is essential for building the confidence of insecure dogs. A dog’s ability to act confidently often comes from their own belief that they will know how to act in a given situation or in their ability to adapt to a multitude of different situations.
Does your dog:
- Cower at people or other dogs or other things in his environment, even inanimate objects?
- Appear to be scared either in his own home or out in public?
- Whine, shake, bark & retreat, hide?
- Act afraid of someone in your home? guests? other dogs?
Our Confidence Building for Scaredy Dogs course is designed to help your dog build self-confidence and will give you the tools to help your fearful dog cope with — and ultimately enjoy — new experiences.
Not for aggressive dogs. If you are uncertain about which class to take with your Scaredy Dog, please give us a call.
Things to bring:
- Your Dog
- Mat or blanket
- Familiar toy
- Treats: Lots of yummy very high value cut up small treats
- Water Bowl
- Patience & a Sense of Humor
Dog should be wearing:
- Flat Collar or Front Hook Harness (Note: if any dog on a flat collar needs more control, a Freedom Harness will be provided at your cost)
- 6 ft leash (NO retractable leashes please)
2 Handlers Maximum per dog – All handlers must be immediate family and living in the home with the Scaredy Dog.
Class size is limited to 6 dogs
Donna Savoie is a certified behavior consultant with the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants and served on the Board of Directors. Donna has spent over a decade studying, and rehabilitating fearful and reactive dogs and has an amazing success record.