If your dog struggles with:
- Pulling
- Distraction
- Self-Control
- Focus
Join our Loose Leash Walking Workshop and learn how to use Collar Cues, Shadow Skills and environmental reinforcement to train your dog to walk nicely on a leash!
What are Collar Cues? Collar cues are valuable communication and training tools that are applicable for any service-dog work or dog-sport training. Training your dog how to move via directional collar cues opens a gateway to faster, more efficient training, and provides an additional communication tool when training new behaviors or improving existing behaviors. Training young puppies how to respond to collar cues can provide a powerful foundation skill that supports many other goals.
Additional Details:
Dog should be wearing a flat buckle collar and a Front Hook Harness (preferably Freedom Harness) for strong pulling dogs.
Please Note: If you are interested in learning how to properly use a prong collar for control, we will be teaching safe ways to use this training tool. Please contact us BEFORE THE WORKSHOP so that we can properly fit your dog prior to the workshop in the training center. We will also discuss with you the difference between a lower-end, cheap prong collar vs. a higher-end safer prong collar.
What to bring:
- Yummy Treats that are soft, meaty, smelly and cut up very small
- A convenient way to manage treats: Bait Pouch, Training Vest, etc. Please call us if you have questions.
- Water bowl and water
- Dog should be wearing front hook walking harness as well if he (she) is hard to control when beginning class. Safety and a great experience are always priority.
- Short leash, 4 ft is perfect but 6 ft is good too. No Retractable Leashes.
- Dog’s blanket or mat.
- Sense of humor!
No Reactive Dogs
Dogs must be friendly toward other dogs and people