- Public Etiquette: Teach your dog how to behave politely in public environments, including cafes, shops, and busy streets.
- Distraction Management: Train your dog to maintain focus and obedience amid urban distractions like traffic, pedestrians, and other animals.
- Safe Interaction: Learn techniques for safe and positive interactions with strangers and other dogs in public spaces.
Appropriate for dogs of all ages who have basic obedience training and are ready to apply their skills in more challenging and dynamic environments. Perfect for owners who frequent urban areas and want their dogs to be well-mannered city companions.
Prior basic obedience training is required. This is not a beginner class. Participants should be ready to travel to different locations within the city for each class session.
All lessons will be held at locations in Charlton or the surrounding areas of Sturbridge, Oxford, Auburn, etc.
Whenever possible, we will meet at Pack of Paws, make a plan, and head as a group to the location. Whenever we meet directly at the location, instructions in advance with a plan will be emailed to each participant. Depending on the event, we may do a Zoom video planning session.
Sunday 2/23/25 at 3:30, Meet at Home Depot Oxford MA
This is not a beginner outing. Prerequisites are:
- Reliable Name Response
- Reliable Sit and Reliable Down
- Basic Leash Manners (including using the treat leash technique)
- Your Sense of Humor
NO Reactive Dogs
Equipment Requirements:
- 6 ft leash, no retractable leashes and no long lines
- TONS of reinforcement (ie: variety of treats)
- Ability to carry treats ON YOUR PERSON in a bait pouch, vest, apron, etc. NO trying to work out of pockets or manufacturers packages etc.
- Poop bags ON YOUR PERSON, just in case!
What we will be practicing:
- Checking out Holiday displays and maybe some picture taking!
- Loose Leash Walking through the parking lot and near people
- Walking through a crowd
- Waiting in line
- Sit & Stay
- Posing for Pics!! A definite important skill for any dog!
If you will be bringing children, please have two responsible adults: 1 for the dog and 1 for the children so that it’s a great learning experience for all in your party.